I am a PhD candidate at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA).I hold a bachelor's and master's degree in criminology from the University of Oslo.
My PhD research project is called "Reducing threats and violence towards law enforcement agents, through systematic analysis of conflict behaviour"
By using a mixed-methods design, the project analyzes CCTV video recordings of real-life police-citizen encounters. Taking a micro-sociological approach, the project intends to identify the situational and interpersonal factors of when conflicts escalate to violence - and when they do not. Then, the project will identify and discuss how certain behaviors can prevent violent escalation.
The project's main goal is to:
- Identify what types of situations, and citizen behavioral patterns law enforcement agents ought to be especially aware of, because they hold a heightened risk of violent escalation.
- Identify what behavioral patterns law enforcement use that both heighten and lower the risk of violent escalation.
- Based on the findings, develop a “first aid tool kit” of conflict resolution tool, with concrete examples of appropriate and inappropriate conflict resolution behavior.
I have also been involved in research on ethnic profiling in the police.
Outside of my research, I have published the following blogposts and chronicles:
- "Preventive weapon controls: Covert observation of police work in Amsterdam”. December 2022. https://blog.nscr.nl/2023/01/16/preventive-weapon-controls-covert-observation-of-police-work-in-amsterdam/
- “Citizen profiling during weapon controls in Amsterdam: Observing potential biases”. January 2023: https://polstops.eu/blogs/understanding-the-experience-of-police-stops-in-europe/citizen-profiling-during-weapon-controls-in-amsterdam-observing-potential-biases/
- "Kroppskameraer i politiet: Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for debatten”. July 2023. https://www.politiforum.no/fagartikkel/kroppskameraer-i-politiet-et-kunnskapsgrunnlag-for-debatten/244152 [Body-Cams in the Police: A knowledge base. In Norwegian]
I've also been interviewed in the following cases:
- "Kroppskameraer i politiet”. July 2023 https://www.politiforum.no/kunne-kroppskamera-utgjort-en-forskjell-i-kongsberg/244095 [Body-cams in the Police. In Norwegian]