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Original title: СОЦИОЛОГИЗИРОВАНИЕ С Р. КОЛЛИНЗОМ: ИНТЕРВЬЮ ОБ ЭМОЦИЯХ, НАСИЛИИ, ПРОСТРАНСТВАХ ВНИМАНИЯ И СОЦИОЛОГИИ. http://socis.isras.ru/article/7499 - van Reemst L and Fischer TFC (2019) Experiencing external workplace violence: Differences in indicators between three types of emergency responders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34 (9): 1864-1889
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- van der Zeeuw A; Keesman LD and Weenink D (2018) Sociologizing with Randall Collins: An interview about emotions, violence, attention space and sociology. European Journal of Social Theory 21 (2): 245-259
- Mosselman F; Weenink D and Lindegaard MR (2018) ‘Weapons, Body Postures, and the Quest for Dominance in Robberies. A Qualitative Analysis of Video Footage’. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 2017 55 (1): 3-26
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- van der Zeeuw A; Keesman LD and Weenink D (2017) Sociologizing with Randall Collins. An interview about emotions, violence, attention space and sociology. European Journal of Social Theory.
- van der Zeeuw A; Keesman LD and Weenink D (2017) Sociologiseren met Randall Collins. Een interview over emoties, geweld, aandachtsvelden en de sociologie. Sociologie.
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